Exercise Workout

Crossfit Thruster Workout

This Crossfit workout users thrusters as it’s main component. If you’ve never done Crossfit thrusters before then check out this video for the correct technique. This Crossfit workout is ‘done for time’ which means you time how long it takes you and then record it. The next time you perform this workout you can use […]


Exercise in a modern world

Exercise and Modern Living One thing is certain. Most people do not get enough exercise in their ordinary routines. All of the advances of modern technology – from electric can openers to power steering – have made life easier, more comfortable and much less physically demanding. Yet our bodies need activity, especially if they are […]


Supercharge your metabolism

Increasing your metabolism with help your burn calories and replace fat with muscle and help to increase energy. Below are my top 10 tips for super charging your metabolism. Cardio in Combination with Strength Training – If you need to combine your cardio with Strength training then do your Cardio AFTER your Resistance Training workout. […]